Saturday, June 27, 2015

On the Road - Domingo's Story

Just in case you don't know me, I am Domingo, Don's bike, so named because he bought me at Tomas Domingo's Bike Shop in Barcelona, way back in 2008.

I do like to get my side of a bike trip into print now and then – I must say it's not easy, but whenever there is no internet connection, there is sometimes the opportunity to download some of my photos and get my levers on the keyboard.

So in spite of seeming to have my calipers out of joint, I do have to be fair and say how jolly well the two old stagers, Don and val are getting on.

So here are some shots from my “Handlebar Cam”

It's quite demeaning, with all your bits-n-bobs exposed, especially in a public thoroughfare like the arrival area of an airport. Took this shot of  my girlfriend "Hurdy Girly" in just such a pose.
Val is pretty good at getting things covered up fairly smartly, but it does take some time to recover some composure.

It was really tough the first couple of weeks in the rain and cold of “late spring” in Scotland and Northern England, there were times when I felt like letting my tyres down and calling it quits,

 Not sure I wasn't the only one judging by this photo.

On a better day Hurdy Girly and me get a chance to catch up on some road talk.

I was impressed with the Bike Station, though I was left outside peeping through the door while "Gurdy" had her gears looked at - she would have preferred a female mechanic, but none were on duty that day.

I'm going to put this up in Don's workshop with item 5 highlighted.

I thought "Gurdy" had been consigned to the "recycle bin" when I saw this, but it was just Don having me on.

Coastal Footpaths are not designed for the likes of me!

This little "crittur" was saved by me swerving aside. Don picked it up and put it safely off the road.
(He's a bit soft on snails since the Book Club read a nice story based around them.

This is me cooling the wheels outside Sandringham gates, you know, the Queens weekend batch.

We were spoilt rotten in London, secure in the backyard of Val's old schoolmate Judith, who has a cool little house in Putney. I really got the giggles when I had to stand on my back wheel to get through the house and onto the street.

Oh boy, was Don excited when he found this in a Waitrose store, though I was the one who had to put up with the extra horsepower he put onto my bottom bracket.

It brings a tear to my rearview mirror when I see Dad's out on the cycleway getting the younguns onto two wheels.

Did you know that William Morris aka Lord Nuffield, started out making bikes like this one I saw through the window of his house in Oxfordshire.
(It was love at "first bike")

All for now, more from the workhorse of this outfit later.
